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Our JLMS Chapter


     The John Long Middle School Chapter consists of students from 6th to 8th grade.

It is run by our business technology teacher, Carrie Smolinski. Below is a message from our current chapter president. 

Mrs. Smolinski.jpg

Mrs. Smolinski

2022-2023 Chapter


     Ms. Smolinski's 2022-2023 is participating in the Spring Stock Market game and regional competition. We earned second place. Our Chapter photo can be seen in this section. Our second-place regional award can be seen here as well.

See Current Stock Market Standings: HERE


2021-2022 Chapter


     Ms. Smolinski's 2021-2022 participated in the Spring Stock Market Game as well as the regionals Competition. They earned second place.

Our Chapter photo can be seen in this section. Our second-place regional award can be seen here as well.

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