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Yearly Events


     Every year, FBLA has several different events they offer. You might have heard of a few at our About page.

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Stock Market Game


     The Stock Market Games are two separate competitive events in the spring and fall that scale on the National Level. It stimulates and follows the real stock market. 


This year's Fall Conference was from-

9/26/22 to 12/2/22.

This year's Spring Conference is from 

2/13/23 to 4/21/23

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     For FBLA, you may decide to go to our regional conference event. For JLMS, this entails going to Oconomowoc High School, around the middle to end of February. You can choose to participate in one of several presentation-type events either as a team or individually. Additionally, one may complete an objective test. You will compete with other students from around South-East Wisconsin.

Regional Conference


State Confererence


     After participating in Regionals, you may also decide to go into the State competition event. The location varies based on the year, but it usually happens around the time of Mid-April to early May. It is often a two-day event, featuring presentation events and objective tests from all around the state. 


This year's event is in Green Bay's Tundra Lodge. (See "Schedule Page" for more details) 


National Conference


     Only qualifying people make it all the way to the FBLA national level. You would be competing with people from all around the country. This event usually happens in a major city, around the end or after our school year. 

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